What happens during an Abdominal Massage?
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external non-invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve, and chi.
Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for a healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by uterine massage. In addition, digestion, urinary and bladder problems can be helped. At your initial session, you will be taught self-care massage, which adds to the therapeutic benefits of your session when you perform it at home. Pregnant moms report enhanced wellness benefits when they do their self-care massage regularly.
Fertility Enhancement
It has been estimated that approximately thirty percent of women who have been unsuccessful in conceiving eventually conceive after a succession of Arvigo® sessions. Treatments generally consist of massage, learning self-care massage, discussing diet and lifestyle modifications. The first session is generally scheduled soon after menses and before ovulation.
There are two programs available. The one-month program is intended for clients who are actively trying to conceive. The three-month program is intended for women who have the time and are willing to utilize the alternative and holistic benefits of Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® to help maximize their fertility.
Arvigo® Therapy supports the physical changes experienced by women during pregnancy. As the baby and uterus grow, additional strain is put on the uterine and pelvic ligaments and pelvic floor muscles. With regular Arvigo® massage, the uterus stays well-positioned, receives a good blood supply, and grows strong and resilient.
Arvigo® Therapy normalizes alignment of the pelvic bones, allowing the uterus to guide itself to optimal positioning in the pelvis. Digestion and respiration during pregnancy are also improved. Arvigo® practitioners around the world have repeatedly found that their clients experience significantly shorter and easier labor. Midwifery-based practices that have integrated Arvigo® Therapy into their care have reported positive differences in birth outcomes as evidenced by more efficient contractions and shorter labors.
Abdominal Therapy Collective
Learn more: https://abdominaltherapycollective.com/learn-more/