Due Date Countdown Guide -What to Expect For Your Third Trimester

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Congratulations! You are finally in your third trimester and the final preparation for the birth of your baby has begun. You managed to get past the fatigue and morning sickness of the first trimester and enjoyed feeling your baby kick for the first time in the second. 

Now, in the third trimester, you have a long list of things to do before you are ready to take that trip to the hospital. Luckily, we have made a guide that will help you both countdown the months before your due date as well as map out what to do before those very first contractions kick in.

We will also walk you through what to expect in your third trimester and what activities or therapies are beneficial for this stage of your pregnancy.

Let the countdown begin!

When Does the Third Trimester Start and What Can I Expect?

The third trimester starts at around 27 weeks of pregnancy when you are 6 months pregnant and almost 7. At this stage of pregnancy, you very well may be experiencing back pain, swelling as well as joint aches. Often, the third trimester is the most uncomfortable! 

However, those little ‘butterfly’ sensations that you felt during the second trimester of your pregnancy have now probably evolved into full-blown kicks, twists and turns as you feel your baby move inside of you. Now, that is something to be really excited about!

You are also now most likely looking like a real pregnant person as your little baby grows bigger every day. In fact, at 28 weeks, your baby is now the size of a cabbage and you are probably beginning to feel ‘heavier’.

Symptoms of the Third Trimester

You may experience some of the following symptoms as you countdown the final months before your baby’s due date:

  • Backaches

  • Physical exhaustion

  • Constipation and digestive issues

  • Heartburn

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Hemorrhoids 

  • A pregnancy ‘glow’ (it’s not all bad!)

  • Emotional ups and downs

  • Breathlessness

  • Leg cramps

Now, while you may be looking at that list a little fearfully, it’s important to keep your mind on the beautiful baby you will have at the end of your pregnancy journey. And in the meantime, there are a few things you can do to relieve the more uncomfortable symptoms of the third trimester.

So let’s discuss them as we count down the months to your due date.

6 Months Pregnant - Activities & Therapies

Prenatal Massage

One really effective way to relieve some of the strains of pregnancy is to have regular prenatal massage. Prenatal massage is designed to relax you and relieve any stresses or individual pregnancy symptoms your body is experiencing. Many pregnant people particularly find prenatal massage a great help throughout the whole of the third trimester as the strains of growing a baby take its’ toll on the body.

At the Prenatal Massage and Movement Center, we currently have appointments available for prenatal massage at both our Upper East Side and Upper West Side locations. Click below to secure an appointment!

Create a Self-Care Plan

Now, while all you are probably thinking about is what you can do to prepare for the arrival of your baby, it is also really important to think about what you can do to look after yourself. Very soon you will be rushed off your feet looking after a small baby and right now, during the final lead-up to giving birth, is the best time to take extra care of yourself.

We suggest making a self-care plan where you can allocate specific time slots for just self-care practices. This could be daily or weekly - the most important point is that you make that time.

And self-care practices don’t need to be complicated either. A self-care practice could be as simple as taking a relaxing bath, giving yourself a facial with natural products, making yourself delicious healthy food, having a nap, doing a meditation or even booking in a prenatal massage! Most importantly, it is something that nourishes your mind, body or soul in some small way. 

For more pregnancy self-care tips, check out How to Practice Self-Care During Pregnancy.

7 Months Pregnant - Activities & Therapies

At 7 months pregnant, which is roughly 29 weeks along your pregnancy journey, your baby is now the size of a butternut squash. You may also be feeling stronger braxton hicks contractions, increased pressure on your bladder resulting in frequent peeing during the night as well as the general strains of carrying a heavier baby. However, you might like to know that at this stage your baby has now fully developed their hearing and can respond to light and sound.

Exercise Designed For Pregnancy

When you are 7 months pregnant it is a really good idea to start a gentle exercise regime. This will help you to stay fit during the last final months of your pregnancy and ensure you are in good shape to give birth. Activities such as swimming, yoga or gentle jogging are good options for this stage of pregnancy. However, strenuous exercises, skipping or jumping should be avoided. 

Fit for Birth is one exercise program that is specifically designed for pregnancy and can help you reach your childbirth fitness goals. The program uses the Body Ready Method® to develop a fitness regime that will assist you through pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. At the Prenatal Massage & Movement Center, our lead therapist Anne Heckheimer will develop a unique exercise plan with you that will help you to build a functional core system as well as teach you how to move with more ease as your baby grows. Click to read more about Fit For Birth.

Get Your Birth Plan Ready

7 months is also the perfect time to develop a birth plan and start to look for a doula if you choose to use one. Things you may want to consider are:

  • Who you want to be your birthing partner

  • If you want to use partner massage 

  • Whether you would like to play music or even use hypnobirthing to assist

  • If you want to use pain-relief

  • Whether you want to delay cord-clamping 

  • How you want to feed your baby after birth

8 Months Pregnant - What to Prepare

At 8 months pregnant you are now 33 weeks along and your baby is approximately the size of a pineapple. Your baby has also now developed enough to practice their sucking and swallowing skills. At this time, you may be experiencing mood swings as your estrogen and progesterone levels have now peaked.

Get Your Hospital Bag Ready

At 8 months pregnant, it’s not too early to get your hospital bag packed. In fact, 8 months is the perfect time to get that out of the way. Labor can come unexpectedly and even early sometimes so you want to make sure you are prepared. Things you may want to pack are:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • A few pairs of nighties and dressing gowns as well as slippers

  • Toiletries and a flannel

  • Maternity pads

  • Comfortable pants

  • Diapers and clothes for the baby

  • A maternity bra if you choose to breastfeed

  • Dry snacks for labor

  • Receiving blankets

  • Onesies

  • Diaper cream

  • Baby wipes

  • Birthing ball

  • Music for birth

Get Your Baby in the Right Position

Before going into labor, it is helpful for  your baby to be in optimal positionIf your baby isn’t  positioned correctly then there can be complications and difficulties during labor. Getting your baby in the right position will also aid your comfort in the last weeks of pregnancy. 

Spinning Babies® is one prenatal therapy which assists in this process. Using maternal physiology as well as fetal positioning, Spinning Babies® brings comfort, body balance and ease to pregnancy. 

The technique is a hands-on treatment that assists to position the baby correctly in the womb which allows more room for growth and subsequently less pain during labor. During a session you will also learn how to use these techniques at home. Click to read more about Spinning Babies® and book a session!

9 Months Pregnant - You Are Now at the End of Your Due Date Countdown

At 9 months pregnant, you are finally ready to give birth and are officially at the end of your due date countdown. Your baby is now the size of a canary melon and you are most likely starting to experience ‘nesting’ urges. This is when a pregnant person experiences the urge to completely clean and organize their home in the last weeks of pregnancy. 

The nesting phase can be great in helping you to tie up any loose ends before your baby arrives! It is good to  be prepared before your due date. Luckily we have created a handy last minute to-do list or checklist if you like so you can be sure you are fully prepared!

Last-minute due date checklist

  • The nursery is completed along with a cot, bassinet and changing table or mat

  • Your home is tidy and organized

  • You have stocked up on diapers and baby clothes 

  • You have bottles and a bottle sterilizer (if you choose to use bottles)

  • You have a baby car seat and know how to fit it properly and safely

  • You have a pram, carrier or baby wrap (and have learnt how to use the baby wrap)

  • You have a last-minute prenatal massage booked in

  • Postpartum essentials have been bought such as maternity pads, breast pads, comfortable briefs and clothes.

  • Your hospital bag is packed

  • A name for your baby has been decided upon

  • You have read a reasonable amount about labor, pain coping skills and looking after a newborn.

You Are Ready!

Hopefully, by now you should have more of an understanding of what the third trimester entails and what you need to do to prepare yourself for your due date. You can use this guide to help you navigate those last final months of pregnancy as you countdown the weeks to your due date. You have a wonderful journey ahead of you mama and you are going to do great!

To book any of the services mentioned in this article click on one of the links below.


Is your due date 40 or 42 weeks?

Your due date is calculated from the first day of your last period or menstruation. Your actual due date is 40 weeks from your last period. Full term is considered between 39 and 40 weeks and 41-42 weeks is considered overdue.

What are the signs that you are close to labor?

One of the most obvious signs that your body is preparing for labor is when your bump seems to ‘drop’. This is known as baby dropping or lightening and it occurs when your baby’s head becomes engaged in your pelvis. This can happen a few weeks before labor or right before. Everyone is different so while it can be a sign that labor is imminent, labor can also still only happen a few weeks after the baby has dropped.

What therapies are best to do before giving birth?

Prenatal massage as well as other therapies such as Spinning Babies® or Fit For Birth are particularly beneficial in the third trimester and to be done just before you give birth. They help to offer comfort, assist in labor as well release tensions and discomfort in pregnancy. Every mom-to-be deserves to be pampered so take a look at our services below and see which one suits your needs.

To have a look at all of our services at the Prenatal Massage & Movement Center click below.


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